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Sunday, July 3, 2011


Malibu beach:

The industry in Nashville is music.  Industry in L.A. is movies and surfing.  Malibu beach boasts surfing.

Mississippi Avenue:

I love this house.  In Knoxville, I can hardly wait for each month's Dwell magazine to feature cool urban spaces such as this.  Hopefully, in addition to a progressive facade, the design takes a progressive approach to a sustainably functioning interior system (such as always exhibited by the Dwell features).

And also along Mississippi Avenue, three blocks from our West LA apartment, and in an area known as "mini Japan Town," is my favorite neighborhood coffee shop.

Coffee Tomo

Designed by landscape architect Kibum Sung, you feel and smell coffee as you enter the space.  

On site coffee grinder

Ethiopian Coffee blend, yummmmmm.

On June 22,2011, my favorite band in the entire world came to L.A.'s Pantages Theatre.

The Pantages Theatre presents:

From my first MMJ experience in 2006 at the Ryman Auditorium to an infamous 2008 Bonnaroo show in the rain, with special guests Kirk Hammett and Zach Galifianakis, to a New Years Eve at Madison Square Garden-to a few more shows I don't particularly remember [no more explanation necessary]-and finally to the Pantages Theatre, this band continues to evoke the coolest alternative indie rock tunes one can hear.

Art Deco Lobby filled with excited MMJ guests

Jim James!!!

Run Through from the 2011 album, Circuital


Regardless of scale, exploration may be the defining mechanism for personal and relational growth.  It is commonly known that through travel and experience one finds new boundaries and identifies with the unfamiliar; it is known only to the traveler, that exploration also articulates the internal-one's interpersonal, domestic and national realizations. 

El Matador State Beach

With all of my grace, I acquired a wonderful strawberry on my knee as we trekked down the El Matador cliff to the beach.

But, clearly, it was worth it.

I felt as Odysseus in Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey, as he escaped the captivity of Calypso by washing up ashore on the island of Scherie.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Silver Lakeeee, etc.

Life in LA:  

Cradle, Santa Monica Promenade

  I walked past this installation sometime in early June.  Ball-Nogues Studio, the masterminds behind the installation, are located in East LA.  As they explain, "A key technical concept for Cradle is “sphere packing” – the phenomenon where multiple balls squeeze together as they self organize under the effect of gravity."

Food Truck, Venice Beach
Food trucks here are all the rage..

..as are little cafes.
Lemonade, Beverly Hills

Lunch at Lemonade

Lemonade at Lemonade

Santa Monica 

..and then it's back to work:

HBA Library

Boards to present for the Downtown LA Marriot Hotel
Our team leaves Tuesday to present to the client in Hong Kong!

..and enough of work. :)

Cinespia presents: Heathers for a Cemetery Screening 

Left to Right:
Heathers' producer and director, Denise Di Novi and Michael Lehmann, opened the film.

Silver Lake district, LA 

Silver Lake has Marimekko!  My friends posted pictures of the Marimekko textile manufacturing company in Helsinki.  
Check them out: http://www.marimekko.com/

i want.

OK-to what eva you say.

records, Echo Park district, LA

Danish furniture store, Echo Park
AHH! I love this blue lacquered credenza.

This sculpture reminds me of OMA's bridge in the West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong, China:

Foster the People
..an LA based band.